Lic. Arturo B. de la Garza 117, Burócratas del Estado

Monterrey, Nuevo León

81 3610 5446

Lunes a viernes de
8:30 am a 2:00 pm

Programa de préstamo de equipo médico

Support for families in a state of vulnerability who have a sick person or a person with a disability at home.

Cama de hospital y grua elevapacientes

Free medical equipment

The Medical Equipment Loan program consists of lending the necessary medical equipment for the patient to convalesce at home and recover.

The loan of medical equipment has no cost and is for an indefinite period. The family keeps the medical equipment for as long as it is needed.

We have loans from:

  • Hospital beds
  • Wheelchair
  • Patient lift crane
  • Concentradores de oxígeno

Entre otros.

Impact of the medical equipment loan

Los titulares generan comodidad, reposo, seguridad y posibilidades de recuperación al contar con el equipo médico que requiere un titular.

High hospitalization costs are avoided, so the patient can be cared for at home and have the necessary medical equipment.

The medical equipment that the holder requires for his speedy recovery or comfort is gradually provided.

The economic stability of the family is maintained by not paying rentals for medical equipment or emergency purchases.

Application submission process

Collect all paperwork in original and not older than three months, which are: INE of the patient, INE of the person in charge, proof of address, proof of income and medical opinion.

Comunicarse por vía telefónica al 8136105446 en horario de 8:30 am a 2:00 de lunes a viernes para ingresar una solicitud. Se llevará a cabo un estudio socioeconómico. 

Send requirements, evidence of the home and the beneficiary via WhatsApp according to the indications that have been provided at the end of the interview.

"May God bless all the collaborators and the great support organization. I was fully supported with hospital furniture and ambulance transfers, thank God my son is recovering very quickly"
Titular Samantha
Samantha Garza
Responsible family member
"I wholeheartedly appreciate the support for my son, even with his disability they always took it into account. Thanks to each one of you for lending him the bed and the help you gave him, I will never forget what you did for my only son"
Titular Edith
Edith Almaguer
Responsible family member

Free medical equipment for those who need it most

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