Lic. Arturo B. de la Garza 117, Burócratas del Estado

Monterrey, Nuevo León

81 3610 5446

Lunes a viernes de
8:30 am a 2:00 pm

Apoyos para el adulto mayor

The 10 general rights of the patient

Health services must not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religious belief, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, national origin or ethnic identity. Therefore, if on any occasion, you are denied access to medical care or its resources, they are violating your right to health and that of the patient. 

Here we explain a little about these aspects. 

Right to health

According to the State Health Law of the State of Nuevo León, these are the general provisions of the State Health Law:

Article 1.- This Law regulates the right to health protection contained in the third Article of the Political Constitution of the State, establishes the bases and modalities of access to health services, and the bases for the participation of the State and its Municipalities in matters of general health and regulates local health, its provisions are of public order and social interest. 

Article 1.- Health is understood as a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of conditions or diseases. 

Article 2.- The protection of health is the right that all the inhabitants of the State of Nuevo León have to procure health and hygiene conditions that allow them the integral development of their physical and mental capacities. 

Article 3.- The right to health protection has the following purposes: 

I.-The physical, mental and social well-being of man to contribute to the full exercise of his capacities; 

II.-The prolongation and improvement of the quality of human life;


Health Articles

Do you have any doubt?

   Contact us and we will gladly solve all your doubts.

Derechos del paciente

  1. Receive proper medical care.
  2. Receive dignified and respectful treatment.
  3. Receive sufficient, clear, timely and truthful information.
  4. Decide freely about your care.
  5. Grant or not your validly informed consent.
  6. Be treated confidentially.
  7. Have facilities to obtain a second opinion.
  8. Receive medical attention in case of emergency.
  9. Have a clinical record.
  10. Be treated when you are dissatisfied with the medical care received. Source: Government of Mexico

Free medical equipment for those who need it most

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